Page Eight ROCKETEER NOTS VISITORS-UCLA administrators Ind .faculty members pose for picture during their visit to Station Janulry 18. Seated (I·r) Ire Dr. R. S. Kinsman, ISSOC. dean, graduate div.; Dr. R. R. O'Neill, act. deln . graduate div.; Dr. H. W. M..goun, graduate div. dean; H. G. Wilson, NOTS assoc. tech. director. Standing (I.r) Capt. Atlee Clapp, deputy tech. officer, NOTS; Dr. W. D. Van Vorst, engineering dept.; Dr. T. O. Fergu• son, mathematics dept.; Dr. Amos Norman, UCLA Medical Center; Dr. W. B. McLean, NOTS technical director; Dr. N. W. Rees, engineering dept.; G. S. Bond, physical sci- ences ext.; and J. C. Dillon, engineering ext. Group was conducted on air tour of Station. C. L. Players Premiere 'Mary, Mary' Tonight at 8 "Mary, Mary" Jean Kerr's hilarious comedy in three acts will be presented by the China Lake Players Jan. 28 and 29 at the Murray School Audi· torium beginning at 8:15 p.m. Donations will be $l.oo. Tickets for "Mary, Mary" are available at the Gift Mart and from individual members of the group. The play, which ran over 2,000 times on Broadway, tells the story of a very sensible man who finds himself involved with a tax investigation, his ex·wife, his present financee, his friend who is a movie star and interested in his former wife, and his lawyer. Under the direction of Pat Schwarzhach, assisted by Nell Davis, Jan Bruga plays the title role of Mary, while Ralph Schwarbach is seen as the in· volved hero. David Bielawski is the sauve movie star and F10rence Green is seen as the financee Tiffany, a girl who is used to having her own way. Warren Kirk portrays the lawyer who has a hand in see· ing everything ends as it should. The China Lake Players is a little theater group which has been presenting theatrical pro· ductions in the valley for the past 10 years. Anyone who is interested in joining the group is invited to call Mrs. Schwarzbach at FR 5· 5605. An.wer to Pre...ioul Pun.I, CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Whip 5·Repast 9·Llmb 12-Sicitian VOlcano 13·Lamb's pen name 14·Silkworm 15.Cared for 17-Note of scate 18_ Title of respect 19. Engl.ish baby carriage 21· Evaluated 23.lnstructed 27·ElC ist 28.Handle 29-Pair 31 . Hurried 34.Near 35·Weirdest 38 . Negative 39·Bird's beak 41 Ocean 42 Coin (pt.) -14 Three-toed sloth 46 Fl ight of steps 48 Savage 51 SI.we 52 Take un ·awfully 53 Centimeters \ abbr) 55 Surrounded 59 Everyone 60 Repetition 62 Bacteri alogist·s wire 63 nsect 64 Prepos ition 65 Places DOWN Wager Z. French for summer" 3 G,r·s name 4 Baby frog 5 Cammeffio ative disk 6 Spanish article Goal 8 Den 9.Man's name 10.Great Lake 11·Encircle 16.Wears away 20.1 nterpase 22. Hebrew Illonth 23.Grac eful bird 24·Quote 25· P,·ollolln 26 · 0wing 30·Relating to the singing birds 32·Pitaster 33·lnauisitive (colloq.) 36·Things, in low 37·Shipworrns 40 · Trinket 43-Campass point (abbr.) 45.Cyprino id fish 47·Gra y 48 · Sl1e lllish 49-Part in pla y 50. Unbl e ached 5-l.Po licellliln ( slang ) 56·Co,plll



