3闻for Information of Field Officer. January PG, 1907. Mr. WJA.^cKoo.rli Snohomi sh, Wash. Dear Sir: The District Forester at Portland,Ore. infcrms me that your application for timbor at Gold Baoin cannot he a?^nrovcd except with the following modifications. The ntumpage price on white fir and hemlock must be raised to 菖2 after Decembor 31, 1911, or in other werdo during the last two yearo of the sale. Tho raximum stUTjhei for hemlock and whito fir n:ust be reduced to 18 inchos. A bond of S5000 rust be given instead of $3000. An alternative proposition of gig蛔& onl;4 tliree years to cut off [he sale is also proppeed, whj ch 职 take it you will not be interested in since it would require the construction of mill of about 60,000 feet daily capacity. a Please inform me at an early date whether or not you desire toon wi th the sal© under the above conditions♦. Very truly yours, Forest Supervisor. Snoqualmie, Timber Sales, Gold Easin ulill Co. January 15, 1909. , OCR Text: 3闻for Information of Field Officer. January PG, 1907. Mr. WJA.^cKoo.rli Snohomi sh, Wash. Dear Sir: The District Forester at Portland,Ore. infcrms me that your application for timbor at Gold Baoin cannot he a?^nrovcd except with the following modifications. The ntumpage price on white fir and hemlock must be raised to 菖2 after Decembor 31, 1911, or in other werdo during the last two yearo of the sale. Tho raximum stUTjhei for hemlock and whito fir n:ust be reduced to 18 inchos. A bond of S5000 rust be given instead of $3000. An alternative proposition of gig蛔& onl;4 tliree years to cut off [he sale is also proppeed, whj ch 职 take it you will not be interested in since it would require the construction of mill of about 60,000 feet daily capacity. a Please inform me at an early date whether or not you desire toon wi th the sal© under the above conditions♦. Very truly yours, Forest Supervisor. Snoqualmie, Timber Sales, Gold Easin ulill Co. January 15, 1909. , Granite Falls Historical Society,Documents (articles, clippings, letters, papers),USFS Scans,Box 1,14 Gold Basin Lumber and Shingle.pdf,14 Gold Basin Lumber and Shingle.pdf Page 1, 14 Gold Basin Lumber and Shingle.pdf Page 1



