n I'1 /1 n C ~ v~r ~CItiC ~~:rode c 3P4S - Lighf House Avenue, Pacific Grova, California. No part of this buck may be reproduced in any form by dny process without the written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper. The use of this book Eor any historical workis Ciy permission of the author only. s .~ ♦~~~'~ ~- ~ as -'~k~ :i , OCR Text: n I'1 /1 n C ~ v~r ~CItiC ~~:rode c 3P4S - Lighf House Avenue, Pacific Grova, California. No part of this buck may be reproduced in any form by dny process without the written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper. The use of this book Eor any historical workis Ciy permission of the author only. s .~ ♦~~~'~ ~- ~ as -'~k~ :i , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Barn Books and Binder Material,Barn Books and Binder Material,Don Howard Book vol 1_redacted.pdf,Don Howard Book vol 1_redacted.pdf 1 Page 1, Tags: DON HOWARD BOOK VOL 1_REDACTED.PDF, Don Howard Book vol 1_redacted.pdf 1 Page 1



