wf Block Date 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1898·' 1899 1900 1901 SW Crn of Fountain Stable Lot 1 & Lighthouse ~~~ ~,on\."s1mt.on Owner Improvmt Johnson, J.O. 3500 tr Ir 3500 II rr 2500 II " 3500 ti JJ ?;500 it II 1500 Farran, S .M. 900· " ff 900 ff " 9QO n n 800 " Amanda· ?00 ft " 700 rr rr 700 If fl 700 rf<.A tJ#tl. ~ Wl ;.,._;,)~)'\ti J l r,ol> ~.0,.\ 1, • - :.. 1st Add. P.G. Retreat Remarks Refer to 1887 survey " fl rr Thie is e. new building. J .o. John- son's bldg. was moved to lat Add. Blk 33, lots l-3 (just across Fountain Ave.) , OCR Text: wf Block Date 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1898·' 1899 1900 1901 SW Crn of Fountain Stable Lot 1 & Lighthouse ~~~ ~,on\."s1mt.on Owner Improvmt Johnson, J.O. 3500 tr Ir 3500 II rr 2500 II " 3500 ti JJ ?;500 it II 1500 Farran, S .M. 900· " ff 900 ff " 9QO n n 800 " Amanda· ?00 ft " 700 rr rr 700 If fl 700 rf<.A tJ#tl. ~ Wl ;.,._;,)~)'\ti J l r,ol> ~.0,.\ 1, • - :.. 1st Add. P.G. Retreat Remarks Refer to 1887 survey " fl rr Thie is e. new building. J .o. John- son's bldg. was moved to lat Add. Blk 33, lots l-3 (just across Fountain Ave.) , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Historic Properties of Pacific Grove,Fountain,204 Fountain,204 Fountain 2.pdf,204 Fountain 2.pdf 1 Page 1, Tags: 204 FOUNTAIN 2.PDF, 204 Fountain 2.pdf 1 Page 1



