• Page Eight 'My Fair Lady' to be presented by Burroughs Players The Burrolllu Players, under the direction of AI8D KubIk, will preaent "My Fair Lady," a mllalcal comedy by AI8D Jay Lerner and FrederIclt Loewe, tonIgbt and twiOIiOW nIcbt at ':15 In the high ac:bool Jedure CfIIts'. 11Ie performance will be repeated at the same Ume on FrIday and Saturday, May 11 and 12. 11Ie cast is headed by Julie Standard aa EUza DooUttIe, the little cockney gutter 1IJIIlTOW. Miaa Standard is a1ao the choreographer for the production. Co- starring as the middle-aged British phoneticiat, Henry HIggIns, is Robert Sch- wanbach. Other featured performens In the cast Include Brett Battles, Gunnar Andersen, Chuck Glaze, Dave Q-addock, Bob SmIth, NoreUa Barker, Terri Petach, and RandI Thoiilp8On. RoundIng out the cast are Clay Babcock, Kelly Butler, Kasey Coleman, Matt Dolg, Karyn Dorre1l, Rich Evert, Greg Ferguson, Meg Garrett, James Hall, Tammy Horton, Camle Johnson, Marty Johnson, Kathy Kamer, CherI KnIght, Mignon LeBoeuf, KIm Lorang, Scott Lutjens, Diane Miller, Deborah Reid, Chuck Smith, Gwyn Stan- dard, Tom Veatch, Tracy West, Maureen WI\llsmson and Sue Wolverton. 11Ie performers on stage sre backed up by Brett Battles, aa student drama director, and Bob Smith, the student vocal music director. Musical accompanlment will be provided by pianist Tammy Butler, viollnlat Pam Eaaley, flutist Becky Hoffman and per- CUllioniat KevIn Caruso. nckets, prtced at $2.50 for general ad- miIsIon and $1.50 for students, enlisted military personne1 and senior citizens, can be purchaaed In advance from members of the caat or crew, at 11Ie StudIo In Rldgec:rest, and also will be on sale at the hem ofIlce before each performance. WACOM to Install new oHlcers (It luncheon Tuesday 11Ie Women's Auxiliary of the Com- miIsIoned Offtcers' Mess will Install new ofI1cers at a hmcbeon meeting at the COM on Tueaday. Caroline Nathan will be the guest speaker. She will preaent a progress report on the Women's Cents' In Ridgecrest. New WACOM ofI1cers being Insta1led are Sharon Zabel, president; Madeline Dlenhart, secretary; and Sherry BIggs, treasurer. 11Ie program committee for the coming yesr will be composed of Sue Black- wood, Eleanor Lotee, TIna Knemeyer, ElaIne West and Vivian Wright. For luncheon reservations, WACOM members sbouId Cal1 ShIrley Sutton at :rn;. 91'1' before IlOOII on Monday. 11Ie luncheon, which will cost S3.50, features a cbef's salad, beverage and dessert. Navy Relief benefit . ballet slated June 9 11Ie BaI1etArts Tbeatre will gi1ll! a beneIlt performance for the Navy RelIef SocIety's Fund Drtve at the Naval Weapons Centei' on Saturday, June 9, at 7 p.m. In the Burroughs HIgh School Jedure cents'. AdmiasIon for the performance will be S3 for adults, $2 for senior citizens and high scbool .students, and ,Ifor children. Persons wishing to contribute to Navy RelIef will be listed In the program with adult tickets free to contributors. The contributor ticket price will be $10 for single persons and $15 for couples. Checks should be made payable to the Navy Relief Fund and mailed to Ballet Arts Theatre, 303 Blue Ridge Road, ChIna Lake, CA 93555. Donations are tax deductible. ROCKETEER MUSICAL COMEDY OPENS TONIGHT - Julie Standard as Eliza DooIiHle and Robert Schwarl~ch as Henry Higgins do an impromptu fandango in a scene from the Burroughs Players' production of "My Fair Lady." The musical comedy will be presented tonight and tomorrow night, then again on Friday and Saturday, May lIand 12, at 8: 15 p.m. in the high school lecture center. -Photo by Jan Austennan Something for e,e..,one oHered during Hi Desert Escapade .eekend Weeks of preparations for one of the big weekends of the yesr will be culminated by a multitude of activities on Saturday and Sunday, May ~, during the Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Hi Desert Escapade. Civic, service, socia1 and youth groups all will have a part In this gala event, which will Include tours to nearby points of in- terest on the high desert, outdoor breakfaats on both days'from 7 to 11 a.m. at the Kern Desert Regional Park and a standsrd Dower show and wildOower display at the Enlisted Mess. Bothdays will feature self-guided and car csravan tours to Red Rock Canyon, "Burro" Schmidt Tunnel, the Kerr McGee ChemIcal Corp. plant In Trona; the Pin- nacles, Steam Wells, Short Canyon, FoasI1 Falls, and the Rand MInIng DIstrIct. Maturango Junction, an Old west boom town, will spring to 1Ue on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. on the parking lot adjaCfllt to the Maturango Musewn. All proceeds from the various activities at Maturango Junction will go Into the museum's bui1dIng fund, and the same Is true of the Rotary Club's western-style barbecue thatwill beservedfrom5to8 p.m. Amateur photogs invited to enter weekend 'shootout' The ChIna Lake Photograpby Society is • encouraging amateur pbotog\1lphers to get their cameras loaded and be re'¥iy for a "shootout" during the In Desert Escapde here on Saturday and Sunday. Prizeswill be given for the three best rolls of 20-ap0sure color slide film shot during !his gala evenl 11Ie numerous activities that are planned Include an art show, Dower show, horseshoe pitching tournament, lQ.rnile foot race for runners and joggers, pancake breakfasts, barbecue supper, western singing, wild- Dower display and Maturango Junction. The cootest rules are: (1) Load your camera with a fresh roll of color film, preferably 2IH!xposures. (2) The first exposure on the roll must be a recognizable photo of the contestant. (3) Take the remaining 19 pictures of events listed above. (4) After processing, send the unopened box of slides with your name and address to Olina Lake Photographic Society, P. O. Box 1822, Ridgecrest, Calif., 93555. The unopened box of slides must be received by May 29 for judging. Saturday at the Desert Empire Fairgrounds in Ridgecrest. Among the other activities planned for the weekend sre an Art Show, and a Desert Wildlife Display. The Desert Art League exhibit at the NWC Community Center will feature work from local scbool children, 70 adult amateur srtlsts, and 30 adult professional artists. Admission to the srt show is free from 2 to 8 ·p.m. on Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. SInce desert wI1dlife can be a bit &by, visitors will have the opportunlty to see some of the creatures of the Upper Mojave Desert at cloae rang~ but safely, In a Desert Wildlife diap18y at the James Monroe School from 10 a.m. to 3 p.rn. on both days ofthe In Desert Escapade. . A unique part of this diapIay will be.the collection of Mojave Green rattlesnakes gathered for their anti-venin, which is processed for treatment of their bites. Commissioned Officers' Mess Tonight is Membership Night at the Commisslooed OffIcers' Mess. A buffet dinner of grand marnler Cornish game hen will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Later, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Henry Helilngs and his band will be playing everything from rock music to the top 40 selections on the popularity charts for the listening and dancing pleaaure of COM patrons. This musical group from the Los Angeles srea haa appeared In such p1aces aa Reno and Lake Tahoe, and overseas In the Philippines and Japan. 11Ie cost for this evening of dining and entertainment will be $3 for COM members and their spouses, and $4 for guests. Saturday is "King of Roasts Nlte" at the COM, with prime rib of beef featured from 6 to 10 p.m. Then on Tueaday, there will be another Italian night dinner. COM patrons sre invited to enjoy a little bit of Italy at the COM's new pizzeria from 6 to 9 p.m., or order spaghetti and meat sauce. CPOCLUB Plans sre being formulated at the Chief Petty Officers' Club for a buffet on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13. Specific details about this event will be published In the nen issue of The ROCKETEER. May4,1979 Local artists to demonstrate talent during art show The community art show, bosted by the DesertArt League and schedu1ed tomorrow and Sunday at the Community Cents', will feature a number of demonstrations. Hours during which the public is Invited to attend the srt show are 2 to a p.m. on Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Students from Don Walker's c1ass at Burroughs HIgh School will be demon- stra~ pottery thrown on the wbeel, aa will several students from the Sierra Sands Adult School class taught by Jean Donovan. In addition, print making will be demonstrated by members of Dennis Weathers' c1ass from Cerro Coso Com- munity College. Individual srtlsts who will be demon- stra~ their skills Include Dolores Hoff- man, from 2 to • p.m. Saturday; and, on Sunday, Martina Camphansen from 1 to 3 p.m. and Leo Nowak 3 to 5 p.m. Other local srtlsts will demonstrate their talent for shorter periods of time during the tWCHlay show. 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