Block 31= Lot 7 207 15th St. lit Add. P.G. Retreat Date 1885 1886 :--1887 1888 1889 -1890 -- 1891 ---1892 -- 1893- 1894 -1895 1896 1897 --1898 1899 1900 -----1901 - -- -- ---· ------"- -Assmt.on Owner . Improvmt Remarks Healy, Mrs. A.J. 100 A 1 n o owns lot 8 11 11 100 " " 100 " 100 100 11 _ . ._. 100 100 -- 75 11 11 75 75 75 75 - „ " 75 it 1, 0 4 # N.J. fts- m 75 11 11 75 ft' t: 6 ·br, **49* , OCR Text: Block 31= Lot 7 207 15th St. lit Add. P.G. Retreat Date 1885 1886 :--1887 1888 1889 -1890 -- 1891 ---1892 -- 1893- 1894 -1895 1896 1897 --1898 1899 1900 -----1901 - -- -- ---· ------"- -Assmt.on Owner . Improvmt Remarks Healy, Mrs. A.J. 100 A 1 n o owns lot 8 11 11 100 " " 100 " 100 100 11 _ . ._. 100 100 -- 75 11 11 75 75 75 75 - „ " 75 it 1, 0 4 # N.J. fts- m 75 11 11 75 ft' t: 6 ·br, **49* , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Historic Properties of Pacific Grove,15 th st,207 15th,15TH ST_220.pdf,15TH ST_220.pdf 1 Page 1, Tags: 15TH ST_220.PDF, 15TH ST_220.pdf 1 Page 1



