THu OARD AND TTEN Neuslztter of the Pacific Grcae Heritage Society lunelJuly1987 Largehouse on right is theJ. O. Johnson mansion built in 1887on Ught- house avenue. The abovephoto is dated around 189O. In 1893,the house was moved to the left acrossthe street to the corner of Fountain and Ught- house. ln L937the housewasdemolished to make room for a Shellgassta- tion. The gasstation was removed in the 1960s or 1970s and the lot stood vacantuntil the LighthouseCinemawas built. FufureEvents July ll,'1.2,1J - St.Mary'sAntiques Show, l2th & Central. JuIy26 - FeastofLanterns Pageant& Barbecue at Lover's Point. August3 - 3rdAnnual SteinbeckianCroquetTourney. F E s .E fi s tr $ ct C) , OCR Text: THu OARD AND TTEN Neuslztter of the Pacific Grcae Heritage Society lunelJuly1987 Largehouse on right is theJ. O. Johnson mansion built in 1887on Ught- house avenue. The abovephoto is dated around 189O. In 1893,the house was moved to the left acrossthe street to the corner of Fountain and Ught- house. ln L937the housewasdemolished to make room for a Shellgassta- tion. The gasstation was removed in the 1960s or 1970s and the lot stood vacantuntil the LighthouseCinemawas built. FufureEvents July ll,'1.2,1J - St.Mary'sAntiques Show, l2th & Central. JuIy26 - FeastofLanterns Pageant& Barbecue at Lover's Point. August3 - 3rdAnnual SteinbeckianCroquetTourney. F E s .E fi s tr $ ct C) , Heritage Society of Pacific Grove,Historical Collections,Board and Batten,Board and Batten Newsletters,1997,June-July-1997.pdf,June-July-1997.pdf 1 Page 1, Tags: JUNE-JULY-1997.PDF, June-July-1997.pdf 1 Page 1



