April 22. 1920. 隔瞬e点理瀛o District Forestert Portland, Oregon. Pear Sir: w&s Very truly yours. Ii即IS A. TRKEU, JR.. Acting For est Supervisort By Acting. 牡•呢hit糠醐 V/6 is but is merely making a general inquiry from this office have had no experience in cases c2 二二一 一一 ― 晚四/当了 "cm?,,侦凯 R. M. Filloon Dictated by !». A> Treen. he has not definitely de16tth!ned. ta pnt iip-a building xxv^u.ax xx via uJixvxx xud • of this kind and if there any information Tvhich we should have other than that contained in the Manual and circulars, in reference to leaces or permits of this character, I vould be glad to have it. The trip up the Hartford & Eastern Bailroad into the Monte Cristo region, I believe, is th© best one-day trip that can be taken into the mountains from Seattle, and v/ill undoubt­ edly become very popular as faeiliLies and transportation improve, so if a hotel is constructed by Rucker it will assist in making this portion of th© forest more popular as a recreational area. EE 审.J. Rucker, lessee of the Hartford & Eastern Kailroadt recently called at this office and etated that he had a plan in rnind of constructing a 60~room hotel on railroad right of way or on Governraent land secured under special use permit or lease on the H< & E« Kailroad, at Perry Creek, about 4 miles above the tovzn of 3ilveruone 罚x. Eucker seated that he planning on taking this course on accoimt of the inadequaey of hotel facilitiQB on the railroads It is also his idea to keep the railroad open in the winter and run the hotel as a winter resort, if that v?ere possible. , OCR Text: April 22. 1920. 隔瞬e点理瀛o District Forestert Portland, Oregon. Pear Sir: w&s Very truly yours. Ii即IS A. TRKEU, JR.. Acting For est Supervisort By Acting. 牡•呢hit糠醐 V/6 is but is merely making a general inquiry from this office have had no experience in cases c2 二二一 一一 ― 晚四/当了 "cm?,,侦凯 R. M. Filloon Dictated by !». A> Treen. he has not definitely de16tth!ned. ta pnt iip-a building xxv^u.ax xx via uJixvxx xud • of this kind and if there any information Tvhich we should have other than that contained in the Manual and circulars, in reference to leaces or permits of this character, I vould be glad to have it. The trip up the Hartford & Eastern Bailroad into the Monte Cristo region, I believe, is th© best one-day trip that can be taken into the mountains from Seattle, and v/ill undoubt­ edly become very popular as faeiliLies and transportation improve, so if a hotel is constructed by Rucker it will assist in making this portion of th© forest more popular as a recreational area. EE 审.J. Rucker, lessee of the Hartford & Eastern Kailroadt recently called at this office and etated that he had a plan in rnind of constructing a 60~room hotel on railroad right of way or on Governraent land secured under special use permit or lease on the H< & E« Kailroad, at Perry Creek, about 4 miles above the tovzn of 3ilveruone 罚x. Eucker seated that he planning on taking this course on accoimt of the inadequaey of hotel facilitiQB on the railroads It is also his idea to keep the railroad open in the winter and run the hotel as a winter resort, if that v?ere possible. , Granite Falls Historical Society,Documents (articles, clippings, letters, papers),USFS Scans,Box 1,02 Big Four Hotel Site uses.pdf,02 Big Four Hotel Site uses.pdf Page 1, 02 Big Four Hotel Site uses.pdf Page 1



