Join our established group of Historical Societies and Museums who share content by publishing their collections online. All published content is available to anyone, anywhere in the world. Connect your archive with people who can discover and share your history.
ArchiveInABox for Historicals is designed to make the most of your time. Tools help streamline all processes. Templates automate repetitive tasks. Easy management of your brand, messaging, and advertising. Place house ads anywhere and push your brand throughout your archive.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars a year building and maintaining an underdeveloped online publishing presence, use the power of a large scale publishing platform built to handle your entire archive.
Unlike other online publishing software, ArchiveInABox for Historicals is free for historical societies and historical stakeholders such as museums, libraries, and non-commercial archives -- with no preset content limit. It is web-based and can be used from any internet connection.
Create fields that suit your indexing goals. Create index field templates to standardize repetitive forms for different data sets. Upload individual or large groups of files or import from your museum management software. Upload content once, publish in multiple locations. Page level OCR on demand. Build specialty scrapbooks, push related content, and connect to others.
Set up your archive the way you want. Pattern after a library, traditional archive, card catalog, or any way you can imagine. Create Archives, Collections, Subgroups. Records can be individual or multiple pages. Upload JPG, PNG or PDF (single and multi-page). Link records to other assets such as your YouTube channel, Vimeo, Issu and others.
Now your indexers and helpers can work from home at any time. Set up assistant accounts, create individual indexing assignments, and monitor progress. Assistants can edit indexes including system-generated OCR.
Designed to promote sharing, your content can now be spread far and wide. Monitor how users connect, share and comment on your content. Connect your archive with people who can discover and share your history.
Build your donor base by offering reprints and research services. Sell and manage your own local supporter advertising to develop sponsorships and grants.
Real time watermarking allows you to watermark any of your images automatically, and when users save your content to a scrapbook, the watermark is retained. The platform does not allow downloading or printing of images. You exclusively own and control all of your content; no partnership is created. Add or delete content at any time (except for real time backups; see terms of service).
We sell scanning services, and specialize in oversize, fragile, and large projects such as digitizing newspapers from bound volumes, periodicals, maps, photo albums, scrapbooks, loose photos and negatives, and microfilm. Our service is all inclusive of shipping, scanning, and processing. Materials are scanned and returned intact and everything is delivered on portable hard drives. Purchase of scanning services is not required to use the platform. Learn about our production process.
ArchiveInABox, part of SmallTownPapers, Inc., has been in business since 2000. We’ve digitized thousands of bound-volume newspaper archives and produced millions of scanned online-searchable newspaper pages -- all available to the public for free. We have scanned and published the newspaper collections of numerous historical societies. We are committed to helping historical stakeholders by providing a robust, technically advanced online hosting system at no cost.